Sports license-plate competition in Miami is not even close

By: Andy Slater

License plates are one way for a fan to show support. So once or twice a year, I take a peek at sales in Miami-Dade County for the four major sports teams.

The Miami Heat are not performing well on the court, but they are in new license-plate sales. Actually, over the last three months, they're dominating. 

New plate sales in Miami-Dade from September 2016 through November: 

Miami Heat: 467

Miami Dolphins: 80

Miami Marlins: 69

Florida Panthers: 8

The Panthers specialty plate still has the team's old logo. It may not sport their updated logo for another year.

Earlier this year, the Heat also had a clear lead in active plates throughout all of South Florida --- even over support for sea turtles.

(Stats via FL. Dept. Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles)