Marlins president says Jose Fernandez isn't available, but team will listen

By: Andy Slater (@AndySlater)

Marlins team president David Samson appeared on 940-AM WINZ Thursday morning. Show host Jeff DeForrest asked Samson to respond to the report that the team's ace was on the trade block.

"We're definitely not shopping Jose Fernandez, not a chance. He's not available," Samson told DeForrest.

Confusingly, though, moments later it sounded as if Samson wasn't totally ruling a Fernandez trade.

"I don't see it as possible of him going anywhere, but teams come up with some crazy ideas, so it's our responsibility to always listen," Samson said. 

The star pitcher's name came up in a report earlier this week, signifying a trade for him may happen sooner than later.

On Wednesday, I reported on the chaotic culture inside the Marlins clubhouse. Some players, coaches, and management were unhappy with Fernandez. 

Fernandez isn't eligible for free agency until the 2018 season concludes.