Exclusive Body-Cam Video: Miami Beach Police use taser during traffic stop

By: Andy Slater

A Miami Beach traffic stop was anything but routine.

Exclusively obtained body-cam video shows what led Miami Beach police to use a taser on a man who was sitting in the passenger seat on August 11.

There is strong language in the video.

Police pulled over a gray, 2-door Mazda on 10th and Collins after it allegedly made an illegal U-turn.

While officers were writing the driver a ticket, the man in the passenger seat quickly closed the door.

Police say that posed a safety concern because officers could no longer see inside the car.

You can see on the video, officers ask 26-year-old Bellande Jean Joseph to keep the car door open.

When he refused, they ask Joseph several times to get out of the car.

After verbal commands failed, one of the officers tried to grab Joseph by the right wrist.

According to the police report, Joseph “pulled away his arm and intentionally pushed me away with both his fists clinched.”

At that point, the officers decided to take out a taser.

Once again, Joseph was given repeated warning.

He still refused to get out of the car and used foul language at officers.

You can hear Joseph’s reaction at the moment the taser goes off.

Officers were able to bring him into custody.

Joseph was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital where he was medically cleared.

He is facing several charges: Resisting an officer with violence, failure to obey a police officer, and battery on a police officer.

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